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Bones and safety
BB Support avatar
Written by BB Support
Updated over 11 months ago

These are the criteria BOM BOM fulfills when determining the right kind of bones to feed your pets, taking into account bone density, moisture, and pliability:

RAW - With the exception of the ground bones in our Sous Vide meals which are safe for pets consumption and digestion, NEVER feed cooked and dehydrated bones as they will 'shatter' or splinter upon chewing or digesting, leaving very sharp edges that could easily cause damage to your pet's digestive tract. Bone can denature/dry out/become brittle when cooked or dehydrated and it no longer breaks in a pliable or elastic manner. Microwaving food with bone content is not advisable as even though the meat may appear uncooked, the bone would have been cooked and dried out inside.

EDIBLE - the bone should not be weight-bearing (e.g. leg) or of an ungulate or large animal (e.g. cow, lamb, or large poultry). Generally, bones which have fatty, abundant marrow (e.g. shank) are too dense to be crunched up and digested. Awkwardly shaped, pokey bones like a chicken carcass may also be problematic to ingest.

MEATY - even though raw, edible bones are safe to crunch up, they should be covered in meat to cushion your pet's teeth and digestive tract. Once the edible bone has made its way into your pet's tummy, its very acidic gastric juices should melt the bones down into crumb-sized particles.

SIZING - Lastly, sizing the bone correctly for your pet is important. Smaller-medium-sized pets might be suited for the poultry bones and larger pets may extend their bone choice to pork bones and small animal heads, depending on your pet’s allergies. Feel free to message BB Support for recommendations.

We would rather you included them unless your pet has advanced CKD and is unable to take phosphorous content. Edible bones are crucial for stool firming and is a bioavailable source of calcium and trace minerals for a complete, balanced diet. Without edible bones, stools may be softer and bowel movements less frequent.

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